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Magical Visionboarding

Come and join a Facebook Live event that creates some magic! In June 2019, I facilitated a Visionboard workshop - we all created visionboards and mine was all about moving to Dorset and finding my dream home that had space to offer retreats that was close to the beach and was in a place that felt like home.

One year on I am living in Dorset in my dream home with all of those wonderful dreams a reality. I would love to share some of this magic with you. We have had quite a year that has surprised us all. We are in a time of uncertainty for some and also have been given more time to think about what is important!

What has happened to your hopes for 2020? How about an energy refresh? Lets make a visionboard with fresh eyes and energy. We will do reviving meditations (which will be recorded so you can listen to them whenever you like if you can't make it live) and also add magic to our vision boards including the magic ingredient that helps make our dreams come alive.

Where:- Facebook Group - details on booking - available to watch later.

Timing:- 20 December, 10.30am and 1 January, 11.30am (you can take part any time via recording)

Price: £15

Confirmation of booking with payment only

Book now by contacting us

Our first session will be on the 20th of December. We will get together and look at vision boarding, talk about the secret ingredient and look at ways that we can start making our vision boards.

We will do a deep dive meditation that will help us really feel into the vision that we wish to create. You will then be able to put your creative hat on and until we meet again on the 4th to create your vision board.

You will need colourful pens and pencils, a piece of card (as big as you like - would recommend at least A3 size, magazines and things that you can stick onto your board that help bring your vision to life (perhaps flowers, pebbles, crystals, wood, shells, teeny ornaments) and glue. During the 2 week vision board making time I will make suggestions on our group page and also you can ask questions and also let me know what you feel you need to clear out of the way so that On the 1st of January we can do the magical meditation and put our intentions out the universe. We then allow the universe to step forward and show us the way.

Book now by contacting us

November 5

Letting Go of the Past

December 27

Out with the Old, In with the New